Some examples of virtual tours
All tours and pictures are full 360×180° panoramas, meaning the viewer can look in all directions.
The panoramas are linked between each other and you can “walk” through the tour by clicking on the respective icons in the pictures.
Virtual Tour of a Lodge in Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
(Single Suite with included link to the full tour)
Virtual Tour of a Boutique Hotel in San Antonio, Texas, USA
Virtual Tour of an event location and restaurant in Hochheim (embedded in website)
Virtual Tour of a Hotel in Lubbock, Texas, USA
Virtual Tour of the Ratskeller in Wiesbaden
Virtual Tour of a Hotel in Spain at the Atlantic Coast
Virtual Tour of a Restaurant/Hotel in Eltville
Virtual Tour of a Hotel in Riva del Garda, Italy
A doctors office in Frankfurt
Virtual Tour of an Italian Restaurant in Hochheim
Virtual Tour of a Hotel in Zadar, Croatia
Virtual Tours of two American Restaurants in Frankfurt
All tours are all viewable on a PC as well as on any mobile device, which also includes Apple devices. The native resolution of the pictures is min. 130 Megapixels in the full resolution. The web server will hold different resolutions so that only optimized amount of data is transferred to the device according to the device and area the user is looking at.
It is easy to embed such a tour into an existing web presence, some examples on how it can look like are shown on the next page (only with German text).
1st option: Embedded into the website, click on the right icon to extend to full-screen
2nd option: A picture with a link. Clicking on the picture opens a frame / iFrame with the tour, which can be extended to full-screen by clicking the right icon in the tour.
3rd option: Just a link on the page opens a new browser window or tab with the tour
Demowebsite of a doctor´s office with single panoramas and a linked full virtual Tour